sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013

Paul Walker Appears In New Video Natalia Safran 'All I Feel Is You'

Paul Walker Appears In New Video Natalia Safran 
'All I Feel Is You'
Before he died, Paul Walker recorded the film Hours. As part of that movie soundtrack, the song All I Feel Is You was included.

Today, the singer Natalia Safran, performer of the song in question, released the official video to promote the single and like to earn some extra fans, decided to use images of Paul for the video and said this about it:

"The video is like a farewell to an amazing man and a dear friend. Wanted to honor his memory and his inspiring life and hope the video serves as a way to this."

If they thought he was going to get the money raised, they are wrong, as promised to donate all the money they collect this song to the charity of Paul, Reach Out Worldwide.

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