The release date of the seventh film in the series 'Fast and Furious' has been confirmed. Vin Diesel has cleared all doubts about the shooting of the film after the terrible death of Paul Walker in a traffic accident.
The tragic death of Paul Walker on November 30 left in the air filming Fast and Furious 7 perpetuating doubts about the premiere of the seventh installment of the famous saga. The actor had finished filming the scenes that concerned his role , Brian O'Conner , so many were the speculations on possible solutions designed by the producer to solve this terrible turn of events . Today in , we can confirm that the final release date has been officially changed. Fans of 'Fast and Furious' to wait about a year longer than planned to see the result of the adjustments to the producer. And the premiere of ' Fast and Furious 7' is no longer planned for the month of July 2014, but will be released on April 10, 2015 . In a post on his official Facebook Emo , Vin Diesel unveiled this date noting : "He would have liked that you might be the first to know ... "
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